Hebrews 12 Exposition: Marc Papai Exposition by Marc Papai at the ISM Staff Conference 2015 on the first half of Hebrews 12.Tags: Video
ISM Staff Conference: Hebrews 13 Exposition Lisa Espineli Chinn offers exposition on Hebrews 13 at the ISM Staff Conference 2015.Tags: Video
Vision of International Student Ministry ISM Director Marc Papai offers his vision of international ministry.Tags: Video
Starting ISM: Family Fuels MissionVideo on how building community fuels evangelistic outreach Tags: Leadership | Video
ISM for American StudentsCast vision for majority American chapters and get them excited to work with international students.Tags: Video
Leading GIGs With InternationalsYou've made friends with an international student, but you're unsure about asking them to read the Bible with you. This video may help you out! Tags: Evangelism | Video