Prepare your students beforehand by integrating reentry ideas into your school year.
Just Before Leaving
- Give Back Home
- Give Digital Bible Society library in their language
- Fill out the International Connections Form to get them connected to other believers **Note: you will need their permission to fill out this form
- Set up a time and way you'll contact them about a month after they arrive
- Transition - let them know you're no longer their staff member, but friend and occasional mentor. This helps hand off their spiritual discipleship to their local connection.
Right After They Arrive
- Call or message them: Have you arrived? How are you doing?
1 Month Check
- Are you using Back Home? How is it?
- Have you found a Christian community/How are things with your spiritual contact?
- Are you taking a Sabbath? How is your work/life balance?
- How is your family? How are your friendships?
- What unexpected changes at home have you encountered?
2 Month Check
- Did you finish Back Home? How was it?
- How are your studies/work different than you expected?
- Are you able to attend church?
- Have you experienced any reverse culture shock?
- How is your family? How are your friendships?
- What unexpected changes at home o have you encountered?
4 Month Check
- How are your studies/work different than you expected?
- Are you able to attend church?
- What rhythms of Bible study and prayer have you gotten into?
- How are things with your spiritual contact/Christian community?
- What unexpected challenges have you encountered?
6 Month Check
- What stage are you in (fight, flight, fit, fun)?
- In what ways have you changed to fit back in to your old life? In what ways have you kept changes that happened in the US?
- How are you seeing God at work?
- What things are you learning about God?
10 Month Check
- In what ways are you bringing God to your school/workplace?
- How have you gotten involved with church community?
- What things have you been learning about the church as it is in your country?
- How have you been learning from your church leaders?
- What stage of cultural transition are you in (fight, flight, fit, fun)?
- What part of reentry are you in (initiate, imitate, integrate)?
14 Month Check
- In what ways are you bringing God to your school/workplace?
- How have you gotten involved with church community?
- How is your relationship with your family? With your friends?
- How did meeting with your spiritual contact help your transition? Are you willing to do the same for a new returnee?
18 Month Check
- Connect them with a new returnee (if culturally applicable) to mentor and guide
- Clearly change your role from a spiritual mentor with regular contact to a friend with occasional contact.