Sign Bible Study 5: Crossing the Sea

The Hook

  1. How have you experienced Jesus’ bread feeding your soul? How so?
  1. How have you done in the tests for growth that God has put before you?
  1. When was the last time you were truly scared for your physical safety?
  1. Have you ever been on a boat during a storm? If so, tell us about it!

Movie Clip Suggestion: The Perfect Storm

Show one of the great storm scenes. Highlight the plight of the seamen.

  1. How would you respond in such a vulnerable situation like the ones shown in the movie?

Community Rules for The Seven Signs – Explain and remind at each study

  • Ask your questions and choose curiosity
  • Be cool with each other
  • Answer our questions from the text
  • Be open to spiritual growth

Understanding the Message

Read John 6:16-21

  1. Rewrite in your own words what your leader shared about the Passover and how God delivered Israel from Pharoah. (Note: Passover celebrates God’s deliverance. See the parting of the Red Sea – Exodus 14.)
  1. What might it be like to be caught in a storm?
  1. What do we learn about Jesus as we see him walk on the sea?
  1. What would it have been like to see grown men, fishermen no less, be terrified?
  1. What happens when they invite Jesus into the boat?
  1. What is the unseen spiritual reality of the feeding with bread?
  • The God who parted the Red Sea is now in his creation walking on the sea.
  • God now delivers his people not from Pharoah’s grip, but from the grip of sin itself.
  • Another unseen reality?
  1. What are lessons we can learn from the Sign?
  • Jesus has all authority over all aspects of creation in our world.
  • Jesus walks toward us when we are struggling in the storms of life.
  • Jesus offers himself to get into our boat and get us safely onto land.
  • Another lesson?

Does It Work?

Tell a story about Jesus delivering you from your fears and the storms of this life. Be sure to be vulnerable about your fears and carefully document how Jesus overcame all obstacles to come to you and deliver you. Tell about how you invited Jesus into the boat with you.

Your Story

  1. What is an area of your life where you feel like waves of the sea are overcoming you?
  1. Do you see how Jesus has been walking to you through the Seven Signs series?
  1. What blocks you from inviting him into your boat and letting him take you to land?
  1. What steps can you take to invite Jesus into the boat and lead you to shore?

Index Cards

  1. What is a question about God or the Bible you are thinking about?
  1. What is an area of your life you are struggling with I can be praying for?

Scriptures Referenced

John 6:16-21
Exodus 14:1-31