The Hook
- When was the last time you felt like you were caught completely unprepared?
- What were the circumstances and what became of the situation?
- What words would you use to describe Jesus Christ? What have you experienced?
- If you were God and came to earth, what would you do first to have people believe?
This scene shows Adam Sandler as a wedding singer that goes really bad, really fast. This scene will help break the ice for the first study. Your friends probably wouldn’t expect a fun film clip at Bible study. How this might relate to feeling completely unprepared for something?
Community Rules for The Seven Signs – Explain and remind at each study
- Ask your questions and choose curiosity
- Be cool with each other
- Answer our questions from the text
- Be open to spiritual growth
Understanding the Message
Read John 2:1-11
- What would Jesus be like at a party? What would he be doing?
- What do you think of his being invited to the wedding celebration?
- How would it feel for the bride and groom to run out of wine at their wedding? (Note: “Woman” is full of affection – not a chauvinistic slam. This is the same word as John 19:26.)
- How would you feel if you were a steward and took water to the best man?
- What do you think of Jesus using these “religious” articles to produce the wine?
- What do the servants get because they acted on Jesus’ words?
- What is the quality and quantity of this wine? What happens to the party? (Note: The Bridegroom’s testimony is still true today – good beer then lower-end beer.)
- What is the most glorious thing you have ever experienced? How did it affect you?
- Who in the text understands the miracle?
- What do you make of Jesus hiding his signs so that only some see?
- What is the greater unseen reality Jesus’ 180 gallons of the best wine points to?
- Jesus’ wine points to the reality of God’s wine being poured out on his people for the forgiveness of sins.
- Where the six stone jars of religion could never purify, the flowing wine of Jesus completely cleanses.
- Jesus’ wine comes at the cross.
- Another unseen reality?
- What are lessons we can learn from the Sign?
- Jesus loves being invited into our every day life and he makes great things happen.
- Jesus changes physical reality to win the trust of his followers.
- Those who obey Jesus see the glory; those who do not leave ignorant .
- Jesus’ blood points to God’s overflowing mercy and passion for sinners.
- Other lessons?
Does It Work?
Tell a story about an area of your life where you have run out wine and Jesus filled that void with his good wine.
Your Story
- What area of your life are you out of wine in?
- How can you be like the servants and obey Jesus and see some serious glory?
Index Cards
- What is a question about God or the Bible you are thinking about?
- What is an area of your life you are struggling with I can be praying for?