The Big Picture: An Introduction


We used this 11-week series at our investigative Bible study for international students.  It is an overview of the big picture story in Scripture, inspired in part by The Story of God, The Story Us  by Sean Gladding. (I encourage having leaders read this book while you go through this study) Each week, we eat dinner together, then we break up into small groups for the Bible study. Usually two Christian students to lead, and 4-6 seekers per group. The guide is meant to be a guide for leaders, not necessarily a script, so the leaders do not have to read it word-for-word.

Each study includes a general introduction to Bible study and the series we are doing. Since we usually have at least a few new people, we thought it was important to go through this every week, even though it may feel repetitive.  There is also an introduction to the passage which is more specific to the passage you will be studying. 

We print out the passage (in multiple languages) and also the Introduction to the Passage, because it is easier for the international students to follow along and usually includes important information to understand the passage.

Download all the studies and all the passages above.

  1. The Big Picture: Creation and the Fall
  2. The Big Picture: God's Promise to Abraham
  3. The Big Picture: The Exodus
  4. The Big Picture: The Commands to Israel
  5. The Big Picture: God's Prophet Isaiah
  6. The Big Picture: Jesus Begins His Ministry
  7. The Big Picture: God's Overwhelming Love
  8. The Big Picture: Jesus Satisfies
  9. The Big Picture: The Good Shepherd
  10. The Big Picture: Completing the Story
  11. The Big Picture: Following Jesus

Scriptures Referenced

Genesis 1:1-1