For God So Loved 11: A Pure Heart

Psalm 51


Mercy – not giving punishment that is deserved; help for someone who is helpless

Time I was conceived – the time David started growing as a baby

Salvation – being rescued and protected from trouble

Righteousness – being and doing what is good and right

Repentant – turning away from what is wrong

Sacrifices – things given up, gifts offered to God that are costly

Burnt offering – a type of animal sacrifice offered to God


  1. What kind of effect do you think David’s sin had on his relationship to God?
  2. How did David feel about himself?
  3. What did David pray for God to do? Why?
  4. What defense did David have for his actions?
  5. Did David think his sin was a “once in a lifetime” mistake? Why do you think so?
  6. What does David deserve from God?
  7. What is the need that David feels in each verse? What does he desire from God?
  8. When David’s relationship with God is restored, what will be the result?
  9. What is the sacrifice David says is pleasing to God?
  10. What do we learn about the effects of sin on a person from this prayer?
  11. How is relationship restored?

David’s sins were terrible. But would we have acted differently if we were in the same situation of power?

Scriptures Referenced

Psalms 51:1-19